Art body paint with a bustier design, in the body of 2 young girls, who finally be a winner in the body paint contest. It is a very good work using the body paint and ink quality, not surprising that the two girls became the winner.
A girl was showing body painting designs on the body paint contest. Girls who use bird images for the body paint design eventually became the first winner in the contest.
Art of body painting is very beautiful it is also used for a media campaign of the product, because the art of body painting is very beautiful and interesting.
One proof that the art of body painting is the art monumental. This photo is a body painting design is created with the technique airbrush tattoo by the body painting artist who is very experienced.
Art Body Painting is also used to cover the magazine, one of which is Rogue. Rogue is one of the women's magazine that is very popular in the world model.
The winner Body Painting contest is being exhibit her body paint design. The combination of color and lines on the art of body paint design this girl is very good and is a brilliant idea.
Body Painting design with Ornament such as wallpaper, so it is very good girl look integrates with the wall. Art Body Painting is the preferred photographer.
Winner of the Female Body Paint Art Festival, this Asian girls using the abstract designs theme for the body paint on her body. This Body Paint is made with high quality ink and a syringe with an airbrush.
Body paint designs with bird pictures and flowers similar to the wallpaper, so that this girl looks integrates with the existing design of the wallpaper in the behind.
Girls with beautiful body painting picture costume base ball sports, really beautiful and realistic. Body painting is created with the airbrush technique, so it resembles the original shirt.
Body Painting design with lines such as green peacock plumage, very artistic and beautiful. This design is suitable in the beautiful girl body as a models.